Employment Opportunity: Trainee
The role of Sports Administration Trainee fulfils a key administrative function within Bowls SA by providing administration support to all staff and volunteers; assisting in the provision of quality customer services to Member Clubs and Members and stakeholders.
A wide range of duties including providing administration support to the Operations Manager in Event and Competition management utilising sports specific programs; Coaching, Officiating, Junior Development, website, database and reception, as necessary, ensures the trainee has the opportunity to become well versed in all facets of sports management.
During the one year contract the trainee is allowed one day per week to undertake external study in an approved Recreation & Sport Certificate course, which may be completed within the office.
Bowls SA is now looking for applications for the 2018-19 placement.
Applicants are required to have:
Effective inter-personal skills
A high level of verbal and written communication skills
Excellent personal presentation
The ability to complete work within acceptable timeframes
Excellent computer skills
A current driver’s licence
The ability to work as part of a team.
Previous work experience in a ‘sports’ related industry, a passion for sport and recreation and an understanding of the sporting environment, in particular Bowls, would be desirable.
Applicants must submit their current resume and a cover letter addressing their ability to deliver on the key selection criteria to be considered for this position.
Applications must be forwarded by email to: operations@bowlssa.com.au
The Position Description can be accessed by clicking here.
Applications close on Monday 5 November 2018 at 5.00pm (SA time) – late applications will not be accepted.