Overview of Courses
Introductory Coach
The Introductory Coach course is suited to coaches working with schools, social bowlers and beginners.
• Assess and manage the risks of coaching at an introductory level
• Utilise a range of communication techniques
• Plan and safely conduct a training session, ensuring fun and maximum participation through games and activities
• Adapt activities to meet player abilities
Club Coach
The Club Coach course is ideally suited to coaches regularly working at club level, either coaching a team or coaching an individual. Amongst a range of other knowledge and skill components, this course covers a broad range of general coaching theories and specific bowls content, including;
• Conduct a coaching session to teach skills and tactics
• Identify appropriate delivery options to place bowl smoothly on running surface
• Identify appropriate drills for shot development
• Apply technique analysis to provide appropriate feedback
• Identify the correlation between line and weight and the impact of environmental conditions
• Implement inclusive activities for the coaching of bowls
• Identify physical growth and development considerations
• Identify the specific responsibilities of lead, second, third and skip
• Assist athletes with basic nutritional strategies for sports performance
• Demonstrate effective communication strategies
Competition Module
The Competition Module focuses on the aspects of competitive bowls. Coaches should attend this workshop to gain further information on how to best prepare players for competition, where to find the laws of the sport and conditions of play and understand how to educate players to focus on the elements they can control.
The workshop contains practical on green elements where players can discover what their own shot timeline is and how best to collect statistics. You do not need to be an accredited coach to attend a workshop – it’s open to players, committee members, selectors and other interested persons.
Selection Module
The Selection Module is designed for club coaches, selectors and others who are keen to ensure their club has best practice selection standards. Coaches should attend this workshop to learn more about bench-marking players, which can assist with selection, while selectors and committee members are advised to attend this workshop to learn how to create a selection policy and a healthy philosophy for their club. You do not need to be an accredited coach to attend a workshop – it’s open to players, committee members, selectors and other interested persons.
Coaching Re-Accreditation
To apply for a Club or Introductory Coaching re-accreditation please click below to access the relative re-accreditation information.
Re-accreditation Policy
Club Coach Re-accreditation Form
Introductory Coach Re-accreditation Form
Coaches Code of Behaviour
Direct Link to apply for Working with Children Check
Upcoming Courses
Club Coach Course
Watch this space for upcoming sessions
Introductory Coach Course
Watch this space for upcoming sessions
Selection Module Workshop
Watch this space for upcoming sessions
Competition Module Workshop
Watch this space for upcoming sessions
Expressions of Interest
For Members
If you are interested in becoming an accredited coach, sign up to be the first to hear about new course dates.
For Clubs
For Clubs
- Associations and Clubs can now request a Coach Course to be held at a venue of their choice.
- Just complete this request form to let Bowls SA know you are interested.
Feedback from Bowls SA Coaching Course 2023