Annual General Meetings
How to hold a great meeting
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is an important event for every club and association. It is the opportunity to give your members and stakeholders a broad overview of the club’s:
- year in review
- strategic plans for the future
- financials
It is also the time to revitalise the organisation through the official engagement of members into key elected positions. Most importantly, the organisation should try to make the AGM a positive experience, ensuring that people go away firmly committed to the Club/Association and its goals.
To help clubs and associations plan for their upcoming AGMs, Bowls SA has prepared the following tools to ensure that you run a GREAT AGM which is smooth for all involved.
Resources & Tools
Bowls SA Post AGM Requirements
Once you have held your AGM it is important to provide stakeholders like Bowls SA with updated information.
We need your help in order to ensure we can:
- Communicate with you in a timely fashion
- Comply with the law in terms of keeping our own member records
- Ensure your ongoing Bowlslink access
- Ensure relevant insurance cover
- Meet our child safeguarding and privacy legislative requirements
- Advocate to government on your behalf
- Leverage sponsorship with an accurate picture of our membership
To provide us with all the things we require to best serve you, please fill in the two forms below.