Sport and Mental Health Research Project

by Marketing on October 5, 2021

A team of researchers at Flinders University are undertaking an important project entitled: “Improving Mental Health Outcomes Through Sport”.

The lead researchers are Professor Murray Drummond, Dr Sam Elliott, Associate Professor Ivanka Prichard and Associate Professor Claire Drummond.

They are surveying young people involved in club sport to find out more about how clubs support young people from a mental health perspective.

The researchers are seeking volunteers (young people aged 12-17 years, parents, sporting club volunteers, coaches, presidents) to participate in this project by completing a short survey.

Click here to start the survey –

This survey is confidential and is to be done on an individual basis by any members that wish to participate.

All the details of the project are in the information sheet.

Any interested participants with questions about the study are encouraged to contact Sarah Crossman (project Research Assistant at Flinders University) directly on 8201 5097 or via email