Bowls SA CoachZone - Booking Request Form
Bowls SA CoachZone - Booking Request Form
Contact Name
Contact Phone
Contact Email
Please select the type of booking.
1 on 1 - $50 per hour
On Green Small Group (2-7 participants) - $60 per hour
On Green Large Group (8-30 participants) - $125 per hour
Presentation - $150 for 1 hour
On-Green and Presentation - $400 for 4 hours
Modified - please explain your ideal session and we will get back to you with a quote.
Modified - please explain your ideal session and we will get back to you with a quote.
Are you looking for a one off session or an ongoing program?
Single Sesison
Ongoing - Please elaborate on the timeline you are looking for.
Ongoing - Please elaborate on the timeline you are looking for.
Would you like this session(s) at your own club?
No - would you be willing to travel for the session, if so, how far?
No - would you be willing to travel for the session, if so, how far?
Please specify if you have a preferred Day / Date / Time for the session(s).
Please select the session(s) you are interested in.
Skills Session
Strategy Development
Improvement Programs
Culture, Behaviour and Standards
Video Analysis
Team Building
Students and Juniors
Beginners and Night Owls
Coaching Coaches
Other - Please provide a short statement of what you want to achieve.
Other - Please provide a short statement of what you want to achieve.
Please include here some information on the current skill level/playing grade of those that will attend the session(s).
Choose your preferred coach for the session(s)?
No preference
Julie Bannister
Ken Holtham
Tony Lucas
Penny McCarthy
Anthony Moffatt
Andrew Smith
Isaac Trenorden
Jayden Zeller
Please use this space to provide any other comments or additional information.
By selecting yes you are notifying Bowls SA that you and/or the club listed is interested in the selected CoachZone session. I agree to pay the total amounts invoiced to the club by Bowls SA in full and by the dates as set by Bowls SA.
If you are human, leave this field blank.