Virtual Special General Meeting and Notice of Motion
In accordance with Bowls SA Constitution 36.2.1, notice is hereby given by the Board of Bowls SA to convene a Special General Meeting of the Association on Monday 20 July 2020 at 10.30am for the purpose of altering the Bowls SA constitution.
Important: Due to COVID-19 restrictions, please be advised that Board of Bowls SA has resolved for the Special General meeting to be conducted electronically via zoom.
Under 37.2.1 of the Bowls SA Constitution, each Member Club may be represented by two (2) delegates at the Special General Meeting, however only one (1) delegate will be entitled to vote. Member Clubs are requested to provide their nominated delegates in writing to the Chief Executive Officer of Bowls SA not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting, with written notification of the appointed voting delegate to be received by Monday 6 July 2020.
Please contact the Bowls SA Office on 8234 7544 or if you require any further information.