Purpose of the relationship calls is to:
- Build the relationship with clubs
- Educate clubs regarding Bowls SA activities and process
- Opportunity for clubs to share their activities and support needed
- Identify common issues for future support
Please organise a time to have an extended chat with the clubs in the regions you have been allocated. — (Traditionally it has been with the Secretary or President of each club. The process should take about 30mins each).
Before you call each club, please check the following resources to see what administration tasks your clubs have already completed or what they should be aware of.
- Information Directory (Z:\Information Directory\2021-22\Information Directory 2021 – 22)
- Domain account list (\\BSA-DC01\Z_Drive\Sports Admin Officer\Domain\Domain Accounts update.xlsx)
- AGM Communication Memo (http://createsend.com/t/t-C41958C1F32FC8332540EF23F30FEDED)
- BowlsLink Privacy Form
- Insurance forms sent in (Z:\Insurance\2021-22 Club Forms)
As you complete your calls, please ensure:
- Use the online form to submit each club’s response
- All calls are to be completed by 26th July 2021
- You do not need to log calls in Hub Spot
Region allocation
Region contact information can be located in Z drive (Z:\General Office\Clubs by Region updated March 2019).
- Tom: 1 and 6
- Sara: 4 and 7
- James: 5 and 11
- Lou: 8 and associations
- Jess: 2 and 3
- Joe: 9, 10 and 12
The following is a list of questions that should be used as a prompt to seek information from the club. The questions are also asked in a way to draw out more useful information and the response format allows for greater opportunity for data analysis.