Naracoorte Lucindale Senior Supa Series – Entries Open
Following the Copper Coast Senior Supa Series three day event being completely sold out a month prior to the event, the final opportunity to get involved in the Senior Supa Series for 2020 is here. The Naracoorte Lucindale Council Senior Supa Series will be held on October 19th and 20th at the Naracoorte and Naracoorte RSL Bowling Clubs respectively.
The Senior Supa Series is a flagship event for over 60’s bowlers with the ability to put together a team with members from your own or another member club in the open medley format, travel the country side, make new friends, compete for the prize money and for the truly dedicated perhaps be identified for State Over 60’s representation.
One end roll up.
Game 1: Fours – 13 ends, 2 bowls.
Games 2 and 3 (split over lunch) – 10 ends and 3 bowl format.
Game 4: Fours – 10 ends, 2 bowls.
No dead ends – jack to be re-spotted on the middle T.
$100 per team per day (includes lunch)
Medley of Pairs and Fours
Bowls Attire
Must be over 60 by the first competition day of the relevant upcoming Senior Supa Series Event.
All events will be following government Covid-19 guidelines to allow them to go ahead safely for all participants.