Heart Week 2020

by BowlsSA1 on April 30, 2020

The Heart Foundation may have cancelled this year’s Heart Week activities (scheduled for Sun 26 Apr – Sat 2 May) while health professionals have their hands full with the COVID-19 pandemic.  But there are still things we can be doing to ensure good heart health and good support for those at high risk or living with a compromised heart.

  • Heart Age Calculator – Got a minute?  Take the heart age calculator test where you may be higher risk if your heart age is greater than your actual age.
  • Heart Attack Risk Factors – Some risks you can’t change, but some risks you can.  Lucky for us, the majority of heart disease risk factors can be decreased through lifestyle changes.
  • First Aid Training – know the signs and how best to respond to someone in need.  Enrol in a first aid course and ensure there is a qualified First Aid Officer on site whenever the club is open.
  • Defibrillator – Defibrillation within the first few minutes of having a Sudden Cardiac Arrest, increases the chance of survival, to over 70%.  Is your bowling club fitted with a defib?

If your club needs to investigate a first aid training or discuss your club’s defibrillator requirements, contact Henry Cowell at St John Ambulance on 0427 206 550 or henry.cowell@stjohnsa.com.au

Modbury Bowling Club members Neil Martin and Ally Morrison know too well the importance of having a defibrillator within easy access, after Neil suffered a Sudden Cardiac Arrest while playing bowls in 2017.

Please click on the article below to read of their experience.

Written by Matt Turner, Messenger Community News, 28 February 2017