Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What’s the maximum number of people allowed per green now?
A. From 1 June, a maximum of 20 people on a green, providing social distancing of 1.5m is still observed.
Q. What’s the maximum number of people allowed inside the clubrooms?
A. From 1 June, a maximum of 20 people per inside area, providing the area’s capacity of 4m2 per person allows for it.
Q. What’s the maximum number of people allowed per venue?
A. From 1 June, a maximum of 80 people are allowed per venue, providing the area’s capacity allows for it.
Q. Can we resume competitions yet?
A. Yes! From 1 June, bowls training and competition is permitted for both outdoor and indoor venues.
Q. Do I have to book in, to have a roll up at my club?
A. Maybe. The decision to open a venue and the system for accessing the green is different for each bowling club. Please contact your bowling club directly to determine the correct course of action.
Q. If there are 20 people playing on the green, can they bring partners or spectators?
A. Maybe. So long as there is an adequately sized outside area and/ or inside area for them to spectate from.
Q. Does the 20 people maximum on the green include greenskeepers?
A. No. The maximum applies to the number of people playing bowls only. In this instance, 20 players plus 1 Greenskeeper is fine.