Eyre Peninsula Bowls Fest- Calendar Release
Bowls SA would like to announce the release of the 2020 Eyre Peninsula Bowls Fest which will be running from the 2nd and 3rd March 2020..
Click the below links to register for the events:
Club Development Day- Port Lincoln
Markers course- Kirton Bowling Club
Measurers course- Kirton Bowling Club
Umpires course- Kirton Bowling Club
Introductory course- Port Lincoln Bowling Club
Introductory Coaching course- Ceduna Bowling Club
The outline of courses that will be delivered are as follows:
The Club Development Day is a great opportunity for club members/administrators to learn more about key areas of the sport. The presentation will include information on what Bowls SA have to offer clubs, include detail on our structure and events.There will also be a presentation that includes insight into Leading without Bias, Local legends Wanted, Roll Back the Clock, School sessions and club marketing.
Leading without Bias – The Office for Recreation, Sport & Racing have set a target for all state sporting organisations to have a 40% member gender balance on their boards by 2020. Bowls SA have set a target for all their clubs to meet this same quota on their boards by 2021. Hear about the Leading Without Bias project and what is happening to achieve this.
Local legends Wanted- Bowls Australia (BA) has unveiled a new national marketing campaign, entitled Local Legends Wanted, aimed at increasing participation in the sport and improving club health by calling on individuals to join their local bowls club.
Roll Back the Clock- Roll Back the Clock aims to boost physical activity rates among Australians aged 65 and over through bowls, light exercise and education.
School sessions- How clubs can go out having schools sessions at their club/what’s involved.
Club Marketing- How your bowling club can market themselves and the sport.
Marker course- New Accreditation
Measurer course- New Accreditation
Umpire course- People wanting to gain an umpire accreditation will need to do the Marker, Measurer and Umpire courses
If you have any questions please feel free to call on 82347544 or email at reception@bowlssa.com.au.