Special General Meeting
for the purpose of changing the Constitution
In accordance with the Bowls SA Constitution clause 35.2 and 35.3.2, notice is hereby given that the Board of Bowls SA is convening a Special General Meeting of the Association for the purpose of altering the Bowls SA constitution.
Event Details
Monday 25 July 2022
via Zoom
A link will be sent to all who register via the link below
Under 36.2.1 of the Bowls SA Constitution, each Member Club may be represented by two (2) delegates at the Special General Meeting, however only one (1) delegate will be entitled to vote.
Member Clubs are requested to provide their nominated delegates in writing to the Chief Executive Officer of Bowls SA not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting, with written notification of the appointed voting delegate to be received by Monday 11 July 2022. Please do so using the form below.
Click to access:
Between 8th – 22th June, Bowls SA consulted Clubs and Associations for feedback regarding the proposed changes.
Register Attendance
In line with the Bowls SA’s Constitution, registrations for the SGM have now closed. If you have any questions about this, please email reception@bowlssa.com.au.
More Info
Please contact the Bowls SA Office on 8234 7544 or reception@bowlssa.com.au
if you require any further information.