An update from Bowls SA CEO, Mark Easton
Thursday, March 26 2020
Dear Members,
I write to provide you with an update for Bowls South Australia as we try and navigate our way through some pretty uncertain times for the game in South Australia and Nationally. I hope that you are managing the current situation and I can assure you all that my team are happy to provide support when and where required to assist you in your roles.
Government have and will continue to implement measures to manage the spread of COVID-19. As a game, we are following these developments, and as such continue to endorse the suspension of all Bowls related activities. Regular meetings are taking place between State and Territory Associations, Bowls Australia and relevant government authorities to ensure we have the latest information at hand.
From a State perspective, I can assure that we have and continue to make decisions in the best interest of the game. More importantly we are focused on returning to play when permitted. Bowls SA staff have modelled a range of scenarios for return to play and if permitted we are very confident that we can manage the upcoming season accordingly.
We have acted swiftly to review expenses and manage the business. This has resulted in a decision that from 27th March 2020 there will be a restriction on any individual entering the Bowls SA Administration. This has provided the opportunity in some capacity for Staff to continue their Employment remotely in a reduced capacity in addition to exercising various leave and Government entitlements. During this unprecedented time, contact for Bowls SA Administration will be limited to or by leaving a message on 8234 7544, our endeavour is to respond within 2 business days.
From a club perspective, Bowls SA has been providing regular information to enable legislative requirements such as conducting an Annual General Meeting to be met along with an important financial impact survey to assist us with advocacy for and on behalf of the Sport. As many of you have already done, it is suggested that you contact your local government authority to discuss a freeze on venue related expenses including but not limited to rent/ground maintenance/water and electricity. If you would like to discuss further please do not hesitate to contact the Staff here at Bowls SA.
Please stay safe.
Mark Easton
Chief Executive Officer
Bowls SA