All abilities Jack Attack competitions coming soon
Anyone with a disability will have the opportunity to come and try bowls at various locations across the State later this year.
Bowls SA will be running all abilities Jack Attack programs at three different metropolitan venues from September, in a bid to give people living with a disability a chance to play bowls.
Five possible host venues across regional South Australia are also in talks to host similar competitions.
These competitions are being run with the help of the Bedford Group, and are the first step in encouraging people with disabilities to choose bowls as their sport of choice.
Bowls Australia Participation and Programs Manager James Wilson, who is based in South Australia, has been a key figure in the establishment of this initiative.
“Bowls is a great sport and we want everyone to have the opportunity to have a go,” he said.
“Jack Attack is a fast and easy format, which means it is a perfect way to introduce new people to the game.
“We are hopeful if people with disabilities feel comfortable enough to come and try bowls, then they may down the track end up playing for a club and possibly even their State.”
For more information on how to be involved with these Jack Attack competitions, contact James on 0437 527 161 or email