Willunga new juniors 2024

A Multitude of Enthusiastic Juniors Join Willunga Bowling Club

by Marketing on October 11, 2024

Creative initiatives introduced by the members of Willunga Bowling Club have generated interest among local families, leading to an influx of new junior members this season.

As one of the smaller clubs within the Greater Southern Bowling Association with a membership of approximately 55 individuals, Willunga last season faced challenges due to the difficulty in finding replacements when members fell ill.

In line with their dedication to the community, they engage students from local schools such as Waldorf, Mount Compass, and Willunga High (students with special needs) as part of their sports program. Over a 6-week period, these students have shown enthusiasm for bowling competitions, prompting them to initiate a dedicated event for young bowlers.

The concept Willunga Bowling Club devised was a Junior Challenge scheduled on Thursday evenings before their regular Night Owls. The initial hurdle was how to launch this initiative successfully.

Recognizing Facebook as a primary platform, a “COME’N’TRY” day during the winter school holidays was organised. A flyer was crafted featuring a QR code linked to Humanitix (a free service for free events), offering 40 tickets out of which 34 were claimed. Unfortunately, bad weather forced the event to be cancelled on the first attempt.

Undeterred, Willunga Bowling Club hosted another “COME’N’TRY” session in October which attracted around 20 children who thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

After the October “COME’N’TRY” the Willunga Bowling Club has signed up many new juniors for the coming season and anticipates more in the coming weeks.

We believe that if this endeavour proves successful initially, it has immense potential for growth in subsequent seasons. The Junior Challenge is set to commence on October 17 so stay tuned to Willunga Bowling Club’s Facebook page for the outcomes.

Bowls SA praises the efforts of Willunga Bowling Club in their endeavours to engage young members at their club and extends best wishes for a successful and enjoyable bowling season to all involved.