2019-20 Committee Nominations Now Open
Nominations are hereby called for the following Bowls SA Committees for 2019/2020:
- Finance & Audit Committee
- Coaching & Junior Development Committee
- Marketing & Media Committee
- State Event Committee
- Officiating Advisory Group
- Seniors Committee
- Hall of Fame & Life Member Committee
- Seniors State Selection
Persons intending to nominate for Committee positions are required to be fully registered members of a Member Club and are expected to:
- have sufficient knowledge or appropriate qualifications to allow them to discharge their duties.
- have a reasonable knowledge of Bowls SA and its activities in South Australia.
- have a capacity to devote the required time and attention to carry out the activities of the Committee.
- not have any significant commercial relationship which would compromise their involvement or represent a conflict of interest with Bowls SA activities during their term on the Committee.
A separate Nomination form must be completed for each Committee nomination and be accompanied by relevant information, on the appropriate Resume form, in support of the nomination.
Please click on the links below to access the relevant document.
All nominations are to be forwarded in an envelope marked ‘Confidential’ addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Bowls SA and are to be received by the close of business on Friday 23 August 2019.
Appointments will be made by the Board from the nominations received. Members will be advised of their appointment in writing with their term commencing September 2019 after the AGM.