2018-19 Prestige Medley
Please be advised that a joint decision has been made with the Playford Bowling Club, City of Playford Council and Bowls SA to relocate the 2019 Men’s Prestige Medley to another venue. Bowls SA look forward to hosting events at the exciting three green undercover facility of Playford Bowling Club in the future.
As a result of this decision, Bowls SA would like to announce the new venue for the 2019 Men’s Prestige Medley will be Salisbury Bowling Club, to be held over the weekend of the 9th and 10th March in conjunction with the 2019 Women’s Prestige Medley which remains at Marion Bowling Club.
Please stay tuned for more details on both the Men’s and Women’s Prestige Medley events, including the release of teams following the deadline for submission on Wednesday 20 February.
Any questions regarding the 2019 Prestige Medleys can be directed to the Bowls SA Office on 8234 7544 or emailing reception@bowlssa.com.au.